The COVID-19 pandemic has taught humans how to deal with unpredictable events. As is well known, the impact of the pandemic is not only on human health but also on other aspects of life such as social,economic, educational, cultural, lifestyle, and religious activities.
Healthy and normal life expectancy, economic improvement, increasing human intelligence, improving the quality of social relations in the future are still human ideals. Humans have beenat peace with Covid 19 for a long time.
Now, it's time for humans to wake up and recover mentally so that they are more prepared to face events after events in the future. Increasing the level of human nafs is an option for how humans are able to recoverfrom the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 6th Esoteric Annual International Conference is an annual conference organized by the Sufism and Psychotherapy Department, Faculty of Ushuluddin, IAIN Kudus, central Java, Indonesia. Held on July 20, 2022. This international conference with the theme "To Be Kamilah Society: Post Pandemic Mental Health Recovery.
Table of Contents
Abu Khaer
Achmad Faesol
Muhammad Choirul Hidayat
Farhan Farhan, Andi Faisal Bakti
Fikri Hailal
Luqman Al Hakim, Muhammad Faiz, Muhammad Masruri
Ozi Setiadi
Raden Arfan Rifqiawan
Maulana Yusuf Ibrahim, Erina Rahmajati
Muhammad Za'in Fiqron
Alvi Nour Sholihah
Eko Zulfikar
Istianah Istianah, Meta Malihatul Maslahat
Dianing Pra Fitri, Tomi Budianto
Salmah Fa'atin, Aba Agil Aziz
Umi Qodarsasi, Nevy Rusmarina Dewi
Vivi Zhirra Octaviani
Zumrodi Zumrodi
Atika Ulfia Adlina, Roif Husaeni, Muhamad Fikri Maulana
Muhamad Hasan Asyadily