Kesadaran Sufistik dan Materialistik dalam Praktik Salat

Muhammad Za'in Fiqron


The study of salat still needs to be researched. It's true that in the talk about the law of salat there is no need to explain that it is obligatory, but if you look at how Muslims pray, it still needs to be reconsidered. Prayer besides being important is reflected outwardly, it is also necessary to look at it from the aspect of inner and spirituality. This post is a qualitative research based on Heideggerian phenomenology with the aim of examining the side of Dassein's consciousness. Subjects in this study are a number of people in Islam in the Kudus city, both those who pray diligently and those who don't. The results of this study show that there is a materialistic awareness for those who pray diligently, that sometimes salat is based on transactional reasoning, while for those who are not diligent in praying, in a certain state in which there is awareness of the divine, especially when one is dead in the hopes and troubles of life. This article is expected to help many of us to evaluate the quality of salat, both in terms of symbols and substance.


Keywords: Consciousness, Islam, Materialistic, Salat, Sufism

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