Joglo dan Spiritualisme dalam Pesantren: Potret Akulturasi Budaya di Pondok Pesantren LSQ Ar-Rahmah

Fikri Hailal


The article on Joglo and Spiritualism in Islamic Boarding Schools (Portrait of Cultural Acculturation at the LSQ Ar-Rahmah Islamic Boarding School), departs from the spirituality of students while in the Joglo of the Ar-Rahmah Qur'an Study Circle Islamic boarding school. Joglo is considered a typical Javanese building that functions as a place of worship or cultural performances for the Hindu community. However, the portrait seen in the LSQ Ar-Rahmah joglo has been converted into a hall, which is a place for worship activities; felt; and deliberation, which functions like a mosque or surau in Islam. So that it raises the question what are the implications of joglo in the spiritualism of students at the LSQ Ar-Rahmah Islamic boarding school? and how is the acculturation of Joglo at the LSQ Ar-Rahmah Islamic boarding school? This research is a qualitative field. The approach uses triangulation methods and reference materials. Using the perspective of Clifford Geertz's Religious Anthropology. This study succeeded in proposing two findings, namely: 1) The implications of joglo on the spiritualism of students are openness, mediation, the spirit of achieving ghiroh, a form of peace of mind, and a beautiful feeling of self-relaxation. 2) Joglo has a symbol of cultural acculturation and historical consciousness.

Keywords: Joglo, Spiritualism, Cultural Acculturation

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