The International Conference of Da'wa and Islamic Communication
(ICoDIC) held by Da’wa and Islamic Communication Faculty Institut Agama Islam
Negeri Kudus aims to accommodate academic discussions on the concept
of Islamic da'wah and communication in line with the development of global
Vol 3, No 1 (2024): Disability Rights and Inclusion: Challenges in Islamic Higher Education
Table of Contents
Titania Natasya
Hasan Bastomi
Titan Nara Balgis, Halimatus Sa'diah
Agus Pamuji, Muzaki Muzaki, Rina Rindanah
Dinda Siska Adelia, Yuliyatun Yuliyatun
Azizah Yuliyaputri, Mubasyaroh Mubasyaroh
Hurul Aini Fatimah, Erina Rahmajati
Risydah Khofifah, Yuliyatun Yuliyatun
Mia Audina Sudrajat, Arini Safitri, Desi Erawati
Khalimatus Sa'diyah, Yuliyatun Yuliyatun