Koping Stres Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir BKI yang Bekerja dalam Menyusun Skripsi di UNSI Samarinda
Stress Coping Strategies of Working BKI Students in Thesis Writing at UINSI Samarinda.
This research aims to provide an overview of how Islamic Guidance and Counseling (BKI) students who are also working handle stress while writing their theses at UINSI Samarinda. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The study employed the Spiral Analysis technique, novel in revealing coping strategies, particularly in the context of BKI students working at UINSI Samarinda. The implications include enriching literature by contributing new knowledge, offering practical guidance for academic counselors, and suggesting flexible university policies to support stressed students. Results show that final-year BKI students use both Emotion-Focused Coping, involving optimism, confidence, and stress relief through socializing and breaks, and Problem-Focused Coping, involving rescheduling work and thesis tasks and relying on peer support. Influencing factors include background, problem-solving experience, environment, personality, physical health, self-concept, problem-solving skills, positive beliefs, social skills, social support, and material conditions. Despite identifying problems and solutions, these students still need additional support from their program and environment to overcome thesis completion pressures.
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