The Role of Counselor in Improving the Social Attitude of Youth to Technology Development Through Home Room Services

Yunita Melia, Khilman Azmi


The purpose of this study is to explain and define the application of the home room technique model using group guidance services. In improving social attitudes in children to the influence of technology at this time. In the current era technology is growing rapidly, especially gadget media, gadgets themselves are not only intended for communication media but can also be used in learning systems, seeing technology at this time which is very sophisticated, of course, plays an important role in human life for daily needs. days, but not many parents give too many gadgets to children and do not control their use so that it can have a bad impact on children's social development, even as a result of the lack of control of children using gadgets, many children underestimate the attitude of social behavior towards their surroundings, even they are indifferent and don't care about others because they already have their own convenience on the gadgets they have. In this study, researchers took group guidance services through homeroom techniques to provide an effective way for children in the Japanese Village of Mejobo Kudus to socialize in their environment well and effectively. Homeroom technique is a technique or program in activities carried out by counselors or teachers with the aim of being able to know, get to know the counselee or students well and more deeply, which aims to help counselees or students in communicating or socializing face-to-face. This technique is done by creating conditions like being at home so that a pleasant situation can be created. This study uses a qualitative method

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