Peace Education in the Context of Marriage: An Ethnographic Study of Couples

Sai Handari, Andik Riyanto


The need for marital peace is increasing and has become an ideal for future life. The purpose of this study is to explore in depth the conceptualization of peace education in the context of households as the initial environment and basis of education in individuals. This research uses ethnography with a case study form. The research subjects were a married couple with a marriage age of 7 years and 33 years with a Javanese cultural background. The results showed that: (1) peace education in the context of household refers to efforts made to optimize development in the level of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of peace in the household; (2) Peace education values refer to peace values with cultural considerations, namely the value of adem ayem lan tentrem with the concept of nrimo, guyub rukun, and unggah-ungguh; (3) Focusing on self-acceptance, sense of taste, and urun rembug efforts in marriage. Peace education in married life can have implications for the imitation process so that there is a change in behavior for the better by the objectives of peace education

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