Characteristics of 21st Century Counselors in the Perspective of Mungin Eddy Wibowo

Hasan Bastomi


Characteristics of 21st Century Counselors in the Perspective of Mungin Eddy Wibowo. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of 21st century counselors in the perspective of Mungin Eddy Wibowo. This research belongs to the type of library research, namely, by recording all findings and combining all findings, both theories or new findings from books, websites, articles and newspapers about the characteristics of 21st century counselors, analyzes all findings from various readings and provides critical ideas about Mungin Eddy Wibowo's thoughts regarding the characteristics of 21st century counselors. The results show that, in the perspective of Mungin Eddy Wibowo, future counselors of the 21st century are counselors who look to the future, counselors who are able to anticipate the future, that is, look far ahead and are ready to navigate life. future so that they will continue to exist in the counseling profession. There are several characteristics of 21st century counselors in the perspective of Mungin Eddy Wibowo, among others: (1) 21st century counselors are counselors who always improve global literacy in the sense of finding ways to work effectively in counseling services by utilizing and using technology. (2) 21st century counselors are counselors who in carrying out the counseling profession are creative, innovative, productive and fun, (3) counselors in online counseling practice cannot be separated from technology and online counselors must follow technological trends in online counseling. (4) The 21st century counselor is a counselor whose professional identity is obtained through education in the counseling profession, and has competence in the theory and practice of counseling. (5) The 21st century counselor in carrying out the counseling profession must be based on evidence as the accountability of a profession. (6) The 21st century counselor is a collaboration leader. (7) 21st century counselors are consultants, (8) 21st century counselors must be able to coordinate, collaborate, and manage resources (9) 21st century school counselors as advocates.

Keywords: Counselor, 21st Century, Maybe Eddy Wibowo

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