Disaster Management by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Overcoming Floods in Niaso Village, Muaro Jambi

Yusuf Falaq, Miftathul Rahmawati Jannah, Riska Rohmatunnisa


The most frequent disaster in many cities in Indonesia is flooding, so disaster management is needed to minimise the risks caused by flooding. This study focuses on disaster management carried out by the regional disaster management agency (BPBD) of Niaso Muaro Jambi Village, whether in accordance with the pre-disaster, post-disaster, and post-disaster disaster management stages. This research is to find out how disaster management is carried out by the regional disaster management agency (BPBD) of Niaso Muaro Jambi Village in handling flood disasters. The research method used in this research is a descriptive type qualitative method, with staff as informants from the regional disaster management agency (BPBD) of Niaso Muaro Jambi Village who are obliged to carry out disaster management in Muaro Jambi Village. The results show that the stage of disaster management carried out by the BPBD of Niaso Muaro Jambi Village starting from pre-disaster there are still shortcomings not the formation of contingency plans, then in the lackaster stage there are disaster provisions and disaster emergency members, and the last stage after the disaster there are still shortcomings where the form of rehabilitation carried out by BPBD is still not appropriate.

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