Muhasabah as a Coping Mechanism for College Dropouts

Hurul Aini Fatimah, Erina Rahmajati


This study examines the issue of muhasabah as a coping mechanism for students who have dropped out of college. In this context, muhasabah, which is self-reflection and personal evaluation in Islam, is identified as a way to deal with the stress and emotional challenges faced by students who are unable to continue their education. The purpose of this study is to understand the extent to which muhasabah can help college dropouts manage stress and improve their psychological well-being. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, where data is collected through in-depth interviews with students who have dropped out of college and apply muhasahab as part of their healing process. The results of the study show that muhasabah plays an important role in helping individuals overcome feelings of failure, improve self-understanding, and rebuild new life goals. Students who engage in muhasabah practice report significant improvements in their ability to accept circumstances, develop more adaptive coping strategies, and find new motivation to move on. These findings indicate that muhasabah can be an effective mechanism in supporting the mental and emotional well-being of college dropouts.


muhasabah; coping mechanism; college dropouts; psychological well-being; phenomenology

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