Development of Hopscotch Learning Media to Improve The Mufrodat Mastery of Student in Elementary School

Nunik Zuhriyah, M Zunaidul Muhaimin


The purpose of this research is aims 1) to describe the development of hopscotch learning media to improve the mastery of mufrodat 2) to find out whether the development of hopscotch  is effectif to improve mufrodat learning in terms of validity, practicality and effectiveness. This type of research and development (R&D) uses the ADDIE development model of 5 steps including analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The data collection technique is through observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires and tests. The results of the research from the validity of the product, namely the validation of content experts on hopscotch learning media, the validity level is 86% with valid qualifications, while the validation of design experts is 92% and the validation of learning experts by 5th grade teachers with validity of 86%. The results of the T Test analysis showed an increase in Arabic language mastery through the development of hopscotch media through small group and large group trials with very good qualifications. The findings obtained are first, the development of hopscotch learning media to improve the mastery of mufrodat. Second, there is a positive influence in mastering vocabulary of Arabic

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