MODERATION OF RELIGION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE TRADITION OF JEPARA COASTAL COMMUNITIES (Portrait of the Multicultural Tradition of the Donorojo Society of Jepara)

Yusuf Falaq, Jihan Fitriani


Realizing an attitude of religious moderation in the context of a shared culture does require a noninclusive attitude that only emphasizes differences but also actualizes them in the form of real involvement. The actual form of actualization is manifested by the Donorojo Jepara community in the form of the earth alms tradition every Apit month (based on the Javanese calendar) or Zdulqo'dah month (based on the Hijri calendar). This village alms tradition includes the madangan, tayuban and munjung traditions which have different meanings for each tradition. The difference in meaning in each tradition that is carried out does not necessarily mean that there are differences or distinctions based on ethnicity, race and custom. The people of Donorojo Jepara show a harmonious attitude in every detail of the tradition that is carried out. The potential strength and religious togetherness of the Donorojo community can be interesting to discuss. Donorojo's position on the "hump of the cow" on the island of Java has a long history of accepting various traditions and religions during the kingdoms of the archipelago. The approach used in this research is Mead's symbolic interactionalism approach with 3 basic ideas, namely Mind; Self (personal self); and Society (society). The conclusion of this study is that there are 4 forms of actualization of the traditions of the Donorojo community related to religious moderation, including alms of the earth, madangan, tayuban, munjung. The community actualizes the 4 traditions by participating in the earth alms event by following and working together in making jembul. Togetherness in making gemblong and tape for the preparation of the earth alms event. In the madangan tradition, bringing rice asahan and praying together at the punden (tomb) as a form of caring, harmony and sharing with neighbors and relatives to watching tayub performances.

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