Community Social Capital in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic in Tambak Fishermen Village

Fajar Fajar, Ferani Mulianingsih, Fahmi Charish Mustofa Djoko Widodo


So far, coastal communities in Indonesia face problems such as poverty rates that are much higher than other regions, indicating that community-based development is not optimal. Hasbullah (2006) states that the success of community development needs to be seen from various community capitals consisting of: a) human capital in the form of personal abilities such as education, knowledge, health, skills, and other related conditions b) natural capital such as marine waters c) produced economic capital in the form of economic and financial assets and other sets d) social capital in the form of norms/values (trust, reciptory, other social norms) participation in networks, pro-activity. Some literature reveals that human capital, natural resource capital and productive economic capital have been widely worked on by the government, but not so with social capital which has been largely ignored (Cernea, 1988; Hasbullah; 2006; Jamasy; 2004). This research uses a qualitative method using a case study approach. The results in this study are that the income of fishermen during the pandemic and before the pandemic is not much different, the difference lies in terms of the selling price of marine products, both fish, shrimp, and others, which have experienced a fairly drastic decline in prices reaching 50% of the usual.

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