Peaceful Education : Integration of Religious Moderation Values in Schools

Mohammad Dzofir, Dany Miftah M.Nur


The Indonesian nation still faces challenges in addressing diversity. Claims of truth and imposition of will that have the potential to trigger conflict and violence still occur in society. Peace education in schools is an effective means of realizing a harmonious, peaceful and tolerant religious and national life. Peace education can be implemented through strengthening the values of religious moderation in schools. This study aims to reveal how to strengthen religious moderation through education in schools. This study uses a case study plan with a phenomenological approach. The setting of this research is SMAN 2 Kudus which has a diversity of ethnicities and religions among school members. There are three findings in this study, first, the implementation of peace education is carried out through the integration of religious moderation values in education in schools. Second, the integration of religious moderation values is carried out through learning and extracurricular activities. Third, peace education through the integration of religious moderation values has implications for the perspective, attitudes and religious behavior of students who are moderate, not exaggerating. This is reflected in the indicators of empathy for religious moderation, namely students have commitment, strong nationalism, tolerance, non-violence and acceptance of local culture


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