Parents’ Strategies: Introducing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) to Children through Digital Children's Story Books

Pasiningsih Pasiningsih, Suci Herwani


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) in the context of early childhood education is one of the elements in the learning outcomes of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. STEAM learning is considered relevant to the demands and needs to provide skills to children in the 21st century. An interesting way is needed to make children interested in STEAM learning. Parents can do this by introducing STEAM through digital-based children's story books which are easy to obtain with technology advance. This article describes the idea of developing children’s STEM learning through digital children's story books. The method used in this research was literature study on the use of children's story books to teach STEAM. The results of the literature review show that digital-based children's story books can be an effective alternative source and media for STEAM learning. They help children to learn STEAM in interesting way and unintimidating so children can develop their confidence and self-esteem. Digital children’s story book is relevant to the technology development in which support children’s as digital natives. Parents can pay attention to select the content of the story not only suitable for STEAM learning but also match with the context in which the story is built and developed.


Keywords: children's story books; digital; parents; STEAM

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