Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Menumbuhkan Karakter Karyawan Yang Kompeten Melalui Layanan Konseling Industri

Sri Noor Mustaqimatul Hidayah, Hasan Bastomi


This study aims to investigate the development of human resources in cultivating the character of competent employees through industrial counseling services. This research belongs to the type of library research, namely, by recording all findings and combining all findings, both theories or new findings from books, websites, articles and newspapers on the development of human resources in developing the character of competent employees, analyzing all findings from various literatures and provide critical ideas on the development of human resources in cultivating the character of competent employees through industrial counseling services. The results of the study indicate that in developing the character of competent employees, competency-based HR development is needed, namely: 1) Identification of competencies; 2) Competency model; 3) Competency assessment; 4) Competency-based management; 5) Competency standards; 6) Competency profile. The HR development program can be realized with industrial counseling services, because counseling is one of the services that can help people learn to manage themselves, including employees' personalities in developing a competent character..


Keywords: Human Resources, Competent, Industrial Counseling

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