Colo Village Community Solidarity in Celebrating the Seribu Ketupat Parade Tradition

Luthfiyatun Nisa, Wanda Riska Umami, Ni'matus Solihah


This research aims to find out how the form of solidarity of the Colo Village community in carrying out the tradition of a thousand ketupat parade, as well as how the process of implementing the tradition of a thousand ketupat parade. This research uses a qualitative method where the data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation techniques. Using the Miles and Huberman analysis technique. This research uses mechanical solidarity theory in which collective consciousness prevails in society without protest and fulfils relatively the same rules, norms and beliefs. This tradition is carried out in the month of Shawwal or seven days after Eid al-Fitr. The social solidarity of the community is reflected in the process of making a thousand ketupat and lepet as high as approximately two metres and in the process of carrying them from the village head's house to the tomb of Sunan Muria.

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