Independent Learning Based on Peace Education: “Humanitarian Project Program”

Yuliantoro Yuliantoro, Supentri Supentri


Indonesia is not a destination country for refugees, but a transit country that helps refugees to go to third countries. Indonesia is also one of the countries that has helped refugee victims, this has started since 1979 until now. Against this background, the government through the MBKM program launched a humanitarian project program aimed at helping refugees in Indonesia. The humanitarian project program has the involvement of universities which provide opportunities for all students to be directly involved in building themselves through experience in the humanitarian projects undertaken. Students' direct experience dealing with refugees actually also brings the mandate of the 1945 Constitution as a forum for concern and national solidarity as part of maintaining world peace by providing maximum service through education in refugees. The humanitarian project has the goal of preparing excellent students who uphold human values in carrying out their duties based on religion, morals, and ethics. As well as training students to have social sensitivity to explore and explore existing problems and also provide solutions according to their interests and expertise. Data analysis used a qualitative approach, in collecting data through observation and interviews as well as studying reference literacy of journals and books that discussed humanitarian project programs. The purpose of this article is to review and find out: students' direct involvement in humanitarian project programs, forms of humanitarian project activities, and direct benefits derived from involvement in humanitarian projects. The result is that the process of implementing humanitarian project programs: 1). The program was actually initiated by the students themselves through the preparation of program plans to be addressed, so that in the initial analysis students already understood what would be done in the implementation of humanitarian projects and even students were able to analyze the best solutions to problems because they planned independently of the program. 2). Providing teaching knowledge of the Indonesian language through Focus Group Discussions (FGD), providing teaching and knowledge about social life styles, and treatment through Sit in Class: History, and providing support and encouragement through the Play Therapy BK Program for refugees. 3). Adding insight and knowledge and life skills about UNHCR and Refugees in Indonesia. Thus, in accordance with the humanitarian project program that has been provided through educational services as a forum for world peace education.

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