Social Interpretation of Differences in Islamic Youth Communities Life in Semarang City

Saka Mahardika Oktav N, Juhadi Juhadi, Hamdan Tri Atmaja, Nugroho Trisnu Brata


Social interpretation is a form of concept in understanding the differences between Islamic youth communities in Semarang City. Social interpretation has a function in understanding the model of communication between the four Islamic youth communities in Semarang City. Differences in social interpretation between the four Islamic communities have characteristics in communic.ating interfaith behavior. The four Islamic communities referred to are NU, Muhammadiyah, Tabligh and LDII. This study aims to examine the social interpretation of identity differences in four Muslim youth communities in Semarang City. Examines the different interpretations that lead to potential conflicts between the four Islamic youth communities. The research method uses a qualitative approach. The research subjects of mosque youth as the main informants based on purposive sampling technique. The results of the Social Interpretation study of the differences in the four Muslim youth communities towards religious differences by addressing differences in understanding and behavior between the four communities. Studies to provide solutions to potential conflicts between the four Islamic communities. Through the communication model between the four religious communities which have the potential for conflict over differences in the views of the NU, Muhammadiyah, Tabligh and LDII communities. Differences in problems can be integrated with the existence of a social communication model between the four Islamic communities in Semarang city.

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