Managing Conflict: [“I-Thou"] Theosophy and Counseling

Peryanto Peryanto, Ezra Chrystiani, Alfonso Munte


Children across educational levels in rural areas are often stigmatized as "backward" in terms of school facilities [textbooks, sports, and technology], availability of human resources (teachers [counseling teachers, class teachers and specialist teachers]). Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to look at the acceptability of existence, in the midst of alienation, through the participation of Martin Buber's narrative-dialogical philosopher on interfaith counseling education in Tumbang Randang village, Central Kalimantan. Based on qualitative research, we analyzed Martin Buber's philosophical narrative conversation with the existence of counseling education in Tumbang Randang Village. Data processing techniques through observation, interviews, and paralleling the life of counseling education workers. The results showed field facts through qualitative research with interview studies, researchers presented the bright side in the holistic education itself (teachers, students, parents, and society) through the cultural approach, namely Dayak culture which saw education more on humanity. In addition, the Trinitarian concept in Christianity (the concept of communality-family) through Buber's philosophical thinking shows the dynamic characteristics of the Trinity (God the Mirror and the Fusion of Love) in and by other religions (even non-religious ones) through the impulses of counseling education. Such as mirroring as the law of love. Mirroring penetrates emptiness (isolation of solitude), depression, low self-esteem through re-storying (borrowing Martin Buber's term), narrative approach as self-realization as an experience of openness between educational identities (cultural, interfaith and acceptance of limitations). Thus, therapy in educational counseling in daily work would not be in an unequal relationship, but in the range of balancing the relationship.

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