Nurturing as Counseling Education, Philosopher Peter Abelard's Intentionalist Ethics and Child Marriage Events

Ester Intan Saputri, Loisa Marsolita Angganeta Tinopi, Melli Melli, Obet Aidit Gandi, Rista Litami, Evi Mariani


Parenting has recently become both threatening due to its freedom and responsibility, but also an opportunity and responsibility as the first step towards the concept of ongoing counseling education, including in Christian Education. Based on qualitative research, researchers interviewed victims of child marriage with various identities. Diversity of identity as well as identifying the child who gave birth to the child as a victim of child marriage. The results showed that the promulgation of narratives as citizens distinguishes the diversity of reasons for justifying child marriage as well as opportunities and opportunities for each person to take part in parenting and educational counseling, both children in pre- and post-marriage conditions in the category of children. Peter Abelard as a 21st century philosopher voices nominalism and universal problems. Abelard, according to the results of the author's research on child marriage case studies in Central Kalimantan, shows that educational counseling, multistakeholder care for education until children are over 19 years old has become imperative. Multistakeholder necessity as the concept of compliance with the law that regulates the minimum limit of child marriage in Indonesia with its various advantages and considerations. Necessity here has turned into both freedom and responsibility. However, freedom, responsibility and obligation as the foundation of Abelard's ethics also apply even if the learner/child/victim dropped out of school before reaching 19 years old as sustainable care.

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