The Impact of Digital Counseling on Therapeutic Relationships

Fajar Rosyidi, Niken Dwi Saputri


This study investigates the impact of using digital counseling on the therapeutic relationship between counselors and counselors. In an era where technology is increasingly dominant in human interaction, the question of how the quality of the therapeutic relationship is maintained in a digital context is becoming increasingly important. Through reviewing interviews and case studies, this study analyzes the extent to which the core elements of a therapeutic relationship, such as empathy, mutual understanding, and trust, can be maintained and the unique dynamics of interaction intertwined through digital platforms. The research results highlight the challenges and opportunities in dealing with this shift, as well as strategies that can be implemented by counselors to ensure the quality of the therapeutic relationship remains optimal. The findings of this study provide valuable guidance for counseling practitioners and mental health professionals in harnessing the potential of technology to improve service accessibility, while maintaining the essence of a therapeutic relationship that supports the counselor's healing and growth processes. In conclusion, this study proposes an in-depth look at how digital counseling can make a significant contribution to the development of productive and meaningful therapeutic relationships.

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