Optimisation of Government Policies in Covid-19 Handling Strategies and People's Right to Health

Muhammad Taqiyyuddin Azka


This article will discuss the health insurance for the community that has been manifested in the constitution of the State of Indonesia. With this guarantee, the Indonesian people can have the same rights in the eyes of the law for the purpose of the welfare of their people. In responding to the Covid-19 pandemic that has spread to almost all regions of Indonesia which has outbreaked and impacted various fields of life, both in the economic, political, educational fields, until then the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak was declared a national disaster. The government must be alert to issue various strategic policies in order to carry out its obligations to always guarantee the fulfilment of the right to health for all people. This research uses a literature research method with a statutory approach. This study found that the Government was too slow to take anticipatory and mitigation actions in tackling the corona pandemic. In the end, the Government declared a Public Health Emergency status and chose Large-Scale Social Restrictions as an option to respond to Public Health Emergencies, while the Government must also pay attention to the economic and fiscal sectors according to the conditions and capabilities of the State.

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