Zakat Payment Behavior Based on Marital Status Mobility: Statistical and Economic Approach

Tegar Rismanuar Nuryitmawan, Burhanudin Burhanudin


This study aims to answer whether there is an impact on the willingness to pay zakat from changes in one's social status. Social status in this study is the mobility of marital status, either from single to married, or from married and then divorced. Several supporting variables are included as per capita consumption, level of religiosity, preference for halal products, loan or credit status, and controlled by the religious variable by the Muslim group. However, to prove this opinion as well as to answer the question, this study utilizes panel data from IFLS 4 and IFLS 5. By using the Double Difference method, this study will address the description of changes and to find a margin of difference between groups that were previously single and then married and from married to divorced. Meanwhile, the estimation results of this study have implications for the policies and strategies of amil zakat institutions to adjust the behavior of zakat consumers based on changes in their social status. Therefore, the evaluations on changes and mobility of a person's social status will make strategic management and marketing patterns more specific. In addition, understanding the pattern of social mobility is part of the process of making zakat products more dynamic.

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