Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Intention to Use Digital Technology in Teaching Post Covid 19 Outbreak

Ali Rosyidi, Nur Laili Indasari


This study aims to investigate pre-service teachers’ perception and attitude toward the utilization of digital technology in teaching after the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia through Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach. This study used Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method. The subjects were 114 students from three education programs in STIT Maskumambang and STAI Daruttaqwa Gresik (Islamic Education Program, Early Childhood Islamic Education Program, and Elementary School Education Program). The research data were collected through online questionnaire. To obtain the data in depth, three students from each program were randomly selected to conduct interview. Then, the data were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by using SmartPLS 3.0. Based on the results of study, it revealed that pre-service teachers intended to use digital technology in teaching process although Covid-19 outbreak was over. It was proven by the highest mean of the four components of TAM; Perceived Usefulness (Mean=3.60), Perceived Ease of Use (Mean=3.71), Attitude towards Digital Technology (Mean=3.56), and Intention to Use Digital Technology (Mean=3.29). Besides, several students stated that digital technology became a characteristic of the 21st century learning which could not be abandoned by the teachers and remained to be applied and integrated in teaching learning process.

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