Computer Courses and Training Office Applications Based on LMS of Early Childhood Education Teachers

Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Atmaranie Dewi Purnama, Harmilawati Harmilawati, Muhammad Tamrin, Rangga Aditya, Wahyu Ramadhan


At this time the world is faced with the phenomenon of digital disruption, namely a situation indicated by the movement of the industrial world or job competition that is no longer linear. In the field of courses and training, there are also online courses and training services that can be accessed via the web/page. The service provider is not an educational unit, but several experts in their fields are joined by several experts in the field of information and communication technology to create course and training services that can be accessed via electronic devices. One of the development of courses and training is training-based courses and training Learning Management Systems(LMS) that allows instructors and/or students to share material, submit and return assignments, and communicate online. Results of research and development of computer-based course and training modelsLearning Management System(LMS) which has been piloted shows that the level of practicality of this model is very good according to the instructors and organizers. learning outcomes of courses and trainingcan improve the skills of early childhood education teachers in office application computer courses.

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