Using YouTube as A Science Media of Elementary School in The Middle of Pandemic Covid-19

Iseu Laelasari


The study aims to expose YouTube as a science media for high grade students (IV, V and VI grade) at one of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah's existing at Sukolilo Pati. The researchers used a qualitative descriptive method containing sample 3 teachers and 16 studentsselected by purposive sampling. The main instrument in this study is its own assisted researcher with the extra instruments of online interview lists through the WhatsApp and the online Questionnaire in Google form. The data is further analyzed in a descriptive way to reveal how teachers and learners use YouTube media tools to promote scientific study. Studies reveal that YouTube platforms are viewed as highly potential and easy to use to access science learning videos and also upload learning videos by teachers to support scientific learning especially in the pandemic covid-19. In addition, the presence of YouTube also helps teachers and learners increase literacy of information at all times and elsewhere and helps teachers to meet the needs of learners' audiovisual learning. In supporting the learning process, YouTube use is integrated by teachers in online learning held through the WhatsApp group that shared through the distribution of YouTube links. There are 9 scientific materials supported by the use of YouTube videos: characteristics of living things and their environment, the development of living things, the balance of ecosystems, the conservation of animals and plants, the transfer of heat, the changing of objects, forces and motion, the transfer of energy and the solar system. The effectiveness of the use of YouTube by learners is based on the usefulness, precision, and scope. The main obstacle adaptive primarily to signal stability conditions and it also requires adequate quotas to access learning videos. In order to minimize the hurdles, teachers recommend to learners to download science learning videos so that they can be opened at any time and again without the need for Internet access and quotas. In addition, parental assistance is required to assist and oversee learners throughout their programming of learning videos using YouTube platforms.

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