Currently, gold has become a favored investment instrument among the public due to its consistently rising prices. As time progresses, gold trading has diversified, ranging from mini gold sales to digital transactions and installment plans. This phenomenon raises questions within the community regarding the legality of gold transactions, especially those conducted through installments. The National Sharia Council (DSN), a part of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), issued a fatwa (religious ruling) on gold installments, documented in Fatwa DSN Number 77/DSN-MUI/VI/2010. However, this issue continues to be controversial among scholars, particularly concerning non-cash gold transactions. This research aims to analyze the fatwa by comparing it with the opinions of scholars and delving deeper into the methodology used by the DSN to derive legal rulings regarding non-cash gold transactions. The study falls under the category of library research, utilizing normative and textual juridical approaches. In this research, the author examines the issue based on societal norms, drawing from Islamic law texts, government regulations, and other relevant sources. The conclusion drawn from this study highlights a significant difference between the DSN fatwa and the majority opinion of scholars, particularly the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence, regarding the permissibility of gold installment transactions. While most scholars prohibit this practice, the DSN fatwa permits it, citing the opinions of Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim, and several contemporary scholars who share a similar view. Furthermore, the DSN fatwa diverges from the majority opinion because it considers the current context, where gold is no longer used as a means of payment or currency. Despite relying on the controversial Ibn Taymiyyah as one of its bases, the DSN fatwa still prioritizes public interest as long as the practice adheres to the rules outlined in the fatwa.
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