Analysis of Price Fixing Practices by Middlemen Against Farmers in Buying and Selling Salak from KHES and Maslahah Murlah Perspective
Determination of sale and purchase prices for snake fruit by middlemen for farmers using a final payment system has been going on for a long time in Bantarwaru Village. Later, the middleman will pay the price of the snake fruit to the farmer if the snake fruit sells on the market. This will certainly create an element of uncertainty in determining the price of snake fruit and cause losses to one of the parties. This research is field research or field research. In this research the author uses a sociological descriptive approach. The author obtained primary data from direct observation, interviews and documentation with farmers and salak middlemen in Bantarwaru Village, Banjarnegara. Meanwhile, the author obtained secondary data through books, journals and other research results that are still related to this research. The results of this research are first, in the practice of price fixing for buying and selling snake fruit, farmers will look for middlemen to carry out sales and purchase contracts. Then payments are made using a pay at the end system. The middleman will pay the price for the snake fruit to the farmer if the snake fruit sells on the market. Second, the practice of buying and selling snake fruit, reviewed by maslahah murlah analysis, is legal. Because there are problems between middlemen and farmers. Meanwhile, if we look at it from KHES, the practice of buying and selling today meets the requirements and is harmonious, even though there are discrepancies in the articles related to price determination, namely article 63 paragraph 2 and article 79. The author hopes that this research can provide knowledge so that buying and selling does not contain unfair elements.
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