Proceeding IAIN Kudus

PICIS: Postgraduate International Conference on Islamic Studies

Postgraduate International Conference on Islamic Studies (PICIS)

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International Conference on Interdisciplinary Gender Studies

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Proceedings of The International Conference on English Teaching and Learning Issues

Proceedings of The International Conference on English Teaching and Learning Issues (ICETLI) is an academic journal published every December by Tadris Bahasa Inggris Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus based on International Conference on English Teaching and Learning Issues (ICETLI) events.

ICETLI is dedicated to research on the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language. The journal welcomes contributions that consider the practitioner and researcher's common professional concerns, providing a bridge between theory and practice. It presents information and ideas on theories, research, methods, and language learning and teaching materials.

The proceedings welcome submissions on course design, teaching materials, teacher training, teaching methods, language assessment, and bilingual education, as well as from sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and other related areas (Focus and Scope). It includes these research areas but is not limited to the following topics:

  • Religious Faith and English Teacher Identity
  • Religious Faith and English Pedagogical Practice
  • Religious Faith and the English Language Learning Context
  • Issues in EFL Learning & Teaching Language in Religious Settings
  • Intercultural and Multilingual Education
  • Discourse Analysis in ELT
  • Gender and Equality in English Education
  • Methodology in TEFL/TESOL/TESL
  • Language Planning and Policy
  • Language Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation
  • Translation Studies
  • Innovation and Technology in ELTL
  • EFL/ESL Teacher Professional Development

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Proceedings of the Postgraduate International Conference on Islamic Studies

E-ISSN xxxx-xxxx (online)

Proceedings of the Postgraduate International Conference on Islamic Studies (PICIS) is a proceeding that discusses classical, modern, and contemporary issues related to Islamic Studies either methodologically, actual issues, new concepts, and terminology or studies of the living tradition in Moslem societies and other social issues. PICIS published by Postgraduate Program of IAIN Kudus. PICIS is published annually. 

(view Focus and Scope).

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Proceeding International Conference on Quranic Studies

Proceeding Conference The International Conference on Quranic Studies is a scientific publication media for researchers, lecturers, students and the public who have an interest in the Quran and Tafsir Studies Proceeding Conference The International Conference on Quranic Studies also  to provide scientific articele for all who have interest in Quranic and Tafsir Studies studies, and welcomde papers from academicians on theories, philosophy, conceptual, paradigms, academic reseach, as well as religion practices

Keynote Speaker :  Prof. Dr. Johanna Pink (Albert Ludwigs Freburg University of Germany) Dr.Phil Muammar Zayn Qadafy (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) Dr. Ahmad Atabik Lc, M.S.I (IAIN Kudus)Steering Comitee :  Dr. H. Ahmad Atabik, Lc, M.S.I (Dean of Faculty), Dr. Abdul Karim, SS, M.A, Dr. Irzum Farichah, S.Ag, M.Si, Ulfah Rahmawati, M.Pd.I, Dr. Abdul Fatah, M.Si

Comitee:  Abdullah Hanapi, M.Hum, Muhammad Tholib Khoirul Waro, M.Ag, Dr. Muhammad Rikza Muqtada, M.Hum, Dr. Mukhamad Agus Zuhurul Fuqahak, M.S.I, Waffada Alief Najiyya, M.A, Althof Husein Muzakki, M.Ag, Alfi Nikmah M.Pd.I, Rinova Cahyandari, M.Psi, Farid al Zasal S.Ag, S.S, M. Fannor S.E, Walidatul Khowas , S.Kom.I, Muhammad Yarfailah, S.E, Sueb Rizal

Proceeding Conference The International Conference on Quranic Studies is published by Ushuluddin Faculty, IAIN Kudus, Indonesia.

Addres  Street Conge Ngembalrejo Bae Kudus Po Box. 51, Proceeding Editorial Phone 087832220330, Website,Emai

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International Conference of Da'wa and Islamic Communication

The International Conference of Da'wa and Islamic Communication
(ICoDIC) held by Da’wa and Islamic Communication Faculty Institut Agama Islam
Negeri Kudus aims to accommodate academic discussions on the concept
of Islamic da'wah and communication in line with the development of global

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EAIC: Esoterik Annual International Conferences

EAIC: Esoterik Annual International Conference proceeding is a collection of research results in the field of Tasawuf and Psychotherapy which is then presented at the Esoterik Annual International Conference event. This conference was organized by Tasawuf and Psychotherapy Department, Ushuluddin Faculty, Islamic State Institute of Kudus. in 2022, the organizers of the EAIC will be the sixth EAIC event. The theme for the sixth EAIC is "To be Kamilah Society: Post Pandemic Mental Health Recovery”.

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Proceeding Of ICCoLaSS: International Collaboration Conference on Law, Sharia and Society

ICCoLaSS: International Collaboration Conference on Law, Sharia and Society. Proceeding is a collection of articles of researches and academic thoughts. It is a medium of academic publication and communication for experts and researchers who concerned with law and Islamic Law in the various perspective, which specified as follows: Family Law, Economic and Business Law, Law and Government, Law and Society in Digital Era, Islam and Radicalism, Islam and Gender Issues, Human Right, Children's Right, Enviromental Law and Health Law. This conference was organized by the Sharia Faculty, Islamic State Institute of Kudus, (Faculty Sharia and Law) State Islamic University of KH Saifuddin Zuhri, Purwokerto And (Faculty Sharia and Law) State Islamic University Of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. The first theme of conference is Development of Law, Sharia and Society in Digital Era. The Second theme of conference is law, sharia and society 2022.

 E-ISSN: 3026-667X

Opening Speech : Prof. Dr. H. Abdurrohman Kasdi, Lc., M.Si (IAIN Kudus)

Keynote Speaker : Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Makhrus, S.H., M.Hum (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) 

Steering Comitee : Prof. Dr. Any Ismayawati, SH., M.Hum., Prof. Dr. Ilyya Muhsin, S.H.I., M.Si., Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.Ag., M.Ag., M.Hum., Dr. Supani, MA., Dr. Muh. Nashirudin, S.Ag, M.A, M.Ag., Dr. Akhmad Jalaludin M.A., 

Comitee:   Inna Fauziatal Ngazizah, MHI, Wildan Humaidi, MH, Mu'tasim Billah, SHI., MH, Pangestika Rizki Utami, MH., Andi Wicaksono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Yunas Derta Luluardi, S.IP.,M.A., Dr. Muhammad Chairul Huda, M.H.

Proceeding Conference The International Conference on Law Sharia And Society is published by Sharia Faculty, IAIN Kudus, Indonesia.

Address office: Jl. Conge Ngembalrejo, Ngembal Rejo, Ngembalrejo, Kec. Bae, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59322 Po Box. 51,

Proceeding Editorial Phone 087832220330,


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PROCEEDING ICONIEB: International Conference of Islamic Economics and Business

Proceeding International Conference of Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIEB) which was organized by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Kudus State Islamic Institute, aims to accommodate academic discussions regarding the concept of Islamic Business and Economics globally. The complexity of the problems of the dynamics of business practices and discussions of Islamic economics globally need to be discussed extensively.
The International Conference of Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIEB) is published once a year with themes such as Global Recession in Muslim Countries and Policy Mitigation, The Development of the Halal Industry, Islamic Banking, Finance, Insurance, and Capital Market in Disruptive Era, Islamic Macroeconomics, The Development of Digital Economy in Muslim Countries Toward Innovation Economic Growth, The Role of Islamic Social Finance in Muslim Countries, and The Role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)


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ICIE: International Conference on Islamic Education

ICIE: International Conference on Islamic Education (ISSN 2807-1484) proceeding is a collection of research results in the field of education islamic education, elementary school education, and early childhood education which is then presented in theInternational Conference on Islamic Education. This conference was organized by the Islamic Education  Study Program, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program, the Early Childhood Education Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Islamic State Institute of Kudus.The first theme of conference is Innovation in Islamic Education: Challenges and Readiness in Digital Era

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NCOINS: National Conference Of Islamic Natural Science

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National Conference on Educational Science and Counselling

National Conference on Educational Science and Counselling (ISSN 2798-7000) is a collection of research results in the field of education science and counseling which is then presented in the National Conference on Educational Science and Counselling. This conference was organized by the Social Science Tadris Study Program and the Islamic Education Counseling Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Islamic State Institute of Kudus.

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