Dialogic Study of Women's Prayer Fiqh Perspective KH. M. Arifin Fanani at TBS Keramat High School

Maulana Achmad Hasan, Umi Habibah


This study aims to determine the content of the fiqh of women's prayer from the perspective of KH M. Arifin Fanani at TBS Keramat High School. The research method employed is qualitative. The results of the research can be explained as follows: a) Women's mukenas are recommended to be loose and must cover the boundaries of the face, namely the Adam's apple. b) When a woman stands when praying, the distance between her legs should not be spread too far, the maximum width is one hand span. c) When performing takbiratul ihram during prayer, the fingers should not be squeezed together or slightly widened while raising. The hands should be positioned parallel to the earlobes. d) The bowing movement should involve the back and head being aligned, with the eyes directed towards the prostration position. e) The order of body parts when prostrating is as follows: knees, palms and head. f) When sitting between two prostrations, the hands should be placed on the thighs, with the fingers together. g) When greeting, the response is simply 'assalamualaikum warrahmatullah'.

Dialogis Kajian Fiqh Sholat Wanita Perspektif KH. M. Arifin Fanani di SMA TBS Keramat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui isi kajian fiqh sholat Wanita perspektif KH. M. Arifin Fanani. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: a) Mukena Wanita dianjurkan longgar dan harus menutupi batas wajah yaitu pada bagian jakun. b) Berdirinya Wanita saat sholat jarak antar kakinya tidak boleh terlalu dilebarkan maksimal lebarnya yaitu satu jengkal tangan. c) Ketika melakukan takbiratul ihram pada sholat hendaknya jari-jarinya tidak boleh dirapatkan atau sedikit dilebarkan disertai mengangkat kedua tangan sejajar dengan daun telinga. d) Gerakan ruku’ posisi punggung dan kepala sejajar, serta pandangan mata kearah tempat sujud berada. e) Urutan bagian tubuh ketika mau sujud yaitu lutut, telapak tangan dan kepala. f) Ketika duduk diantara 2 sujud, posisi kedua tangan ditaruh diatas paha kaki serta jari-jari tangan dirapatkan. g) Ketika salam cukup membaca assalamualaikum warrahmatullah.


Dialogic; Study Fiqh; Women's Prayer.

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