Pengembangan E-Modul STEM: Inovasi Pendidikan IPA untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Abad 21 pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Isyti Nihayati, Sri Haryani, Amin Yusuf, Ulya Fawaida


In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, students are expected to have 21st century skills, namely mastering the 4Cs skills: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity. These skills are essential to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. One of the learning methods that supports the development of these skills is STEM- based learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). To help the application of STEM in science learning, effective teaching materials are needed, such as modules that students can use independently. In this case, STEM-based science e-modules



were developed specifically to improve 21st century skills in grade V elementary school students. This e-module was created using Book Creator software and follows the Plomp development model. This research was carried out until the prototype development stage, and the results show that this STEM-based science e-module is valid and practical to use in learning.

Keywords: E-Module; STEM ; 21st century skills

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