Kajian Etnosains Pada Proses Pembuatan Garam Di Kecamatan Kradenan Kabupaten Grobogan Sebagai Sumber Belajar IPA SMP/MTs

Ervina Ikhtiari Ningrum, Dody Rahayu Prasetyo


Ethnoscientific study of the salt-making process is an activity to transform people's understanding (indigenous science) of the salt-making process into scientific science. Ethnoscience studies can be used by educators as a learning resource that is closer to students. Therefore, the aim of this research is to: 1) analyze the results of an ethnoscience study on the salt making process in Kradenan District, Grobogan Regency. 2) analyze the relationship between the results of an ethnoscience study on the salt making process in Kradenan District, Grobogan Regency and the Learning Achievements of SMP/MTs students (Phase D). This research is a field research using qualitative research methods. The subjects of this research were salt farmers Bledug Kuwu, Bledug Cangkring and Belik Mendikil. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews and documentation. Testing the validity of the data was carried out by source triangulation and technical triangulation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are: 1) there are several processes for making salt that are linked to ethnoscience studies, including: making temporary water reservoirs (tandon) which are linked to mixed separation materials using the sedimentation method, making salt drying places (klakah) which are linked to aircraft materials simple and pressure on solid substances, moving salt water from a source to a reservoir is associated with characteristic material in liquid substances, moving salt water from a reservoir to a reservoir is associated with radiation heat transfer, drying salt is associated with changes in the state of matter and washing salt is associated with matter additives. 2) the results of the ethnoscience study can be linked to Phase D science learning achievements in the material of separating mixtures, simple machines, pressure in solids, characteristics of liquids, heat transfer, changes in the state of substances and additives so that they can be used as a science learning resource at junior high school level/ MTs (Phase D).

Keywords: Ethnoscience Study, Salt Making, Phase D Learning Achievements

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