Strategi Konservasi dan Pengembangan Objek Wisata Labi-Labi Belawa Kabupaten Cirebon
Labi-labi Belawa is a characteristic animal that is the pride of the Belawa community, but its population declined due to mass deaths in 2020, so the local government caught the turtles in Belawa Village to be bred in Belawa Tourism Objects. The tourist attraction of labi-labi Belawa as a breeding place has not received attention from the local government and is not well known to people outside the village. The purpose of this study is to analyze conservation strategies and development of Belawa labi-labi tourism objects, Cirebon Regency. The research method used is qualitative with survei methods and simple quantitative research. The data collection results showed that there were around 200 adult turtles, ±1000 hatchlings. Labi Labi Conservation Strategy is carried out by caring for turtles, including housing systems, feeding and water, technological engineering for reproduction and hatching eggs. Efforts to develop labi-labi tourist attractions are carried out with efforts to increase visitor attraction by making photo spots, fish therapy ponds, ball baths, gazebos and playgrounds, plans for the future will be carried out land expansion and construction of swimming pools.
Keywords: Conservation, Labi-Labi Belawa, Tourist Attraction
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