Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis PjBL melalui Pembuatan Terarium Pada Materi Ekologi dan Keanekaragaman Hayati untuk Siswa SMP/MTs
The purpose of this research is to determine the process of developing PjBL-based e-modules through creating terrariums with ecological and biodiversity material for junior high school/MTs students; determine the feasibility of developing PjBL-based modules through creating terrariums with ecological and biodiversity material for SMP/MTs students; and knowing students' responses to PjBL-based modules by making terrariums with ecological and biodiversity material for SMP/MTs students. The research model used in the research is 4D, namely Define, Design and Develop. However, in this research it only reached the third stage, namely the Develop stage or development stage. The data obtained used quantitative and qualitative data. The results obtained are the results of the e-module feasibility analysis for material experts, a percentage of 90%. media experts obtained a percentage of 81%. And the student response obtained a percentage of 83%. Thus it can be concluded that the PjBL-based e-module through creating a terrarium with ecological and biodiversity material for SMP/MTs students is suitable for use in the learning process.
Keyword: E-Module, ecology and biodiversity, PjBL
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