Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Dart Board Magnetic Menggunakan QR Code Terintegrasi Keislaman Pada Materi Sistem Pernafasan Manusia Di SMA

Muhammad Kaffana Rizqi, Ihsan Ihsan, Achmad Ali Fikri


This study aims to (1) To find out how to develop the Dart Board Magnetic QR Code learning media on the Islamic-based respiratory system material in high school, (2) To find out the feasibility of the Dart Board Magnetic QR Code learning media on the Islamic-based respiratory system material in high school. This study uses a type of development research using the Richey and Klein development model (R&D) version, namely the PPE (Planning, Production, and Evaluation) model. The results of the Need Assessment at SMA N 1 Jepara School require interactive, modern, and fun learning media. This study produced a development product, namely the Dart Board Magnetic QR Code learning media based on Islamic values in high school. The results of the validation of the product's feasibility from biology material experts were 86.69% from media experts were 75.69% with the category "feasible". and Islamic value experts of 95.83% with the category "very feasible", the learning media was tested in class XI 5 SMA N 1 Jepara, teachers and 30 students gave a good response to the Dart Board Magnetic QR Code product with scores of 87.5% and 89.33% respectively with the category "very feasible". The Dart Board Magnetic QR Code learning media based on Islamic values on the human respiratory system material is feasible to be used in the learning process of class XI SMA.

Keywords: Magnetic Dart Board, QR Code, Respiratory System, Islamic Values

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