Kombinasi Pengolahan Limbah Laboratorium IPA dengan Proses Koagulasi-Flokulasi, Fitoremediasi, Dan Filtrasi

Dina Najwa Camalia, Maulidya Rohmatul Ulya, Sulasfiana Alfi Raida


Chemical waste is waste that contains harmful substances and has a negative impact if disposed of into theenvironment. Therefore, before disposal, chemical waste must be treated first. In this study, liquid chemical waste will be processed so that waste can be safely disposed of into the environment. The research was conducted from May 17 to June 8, 2024 at the IAIN Kudus chemistry laboratory. Waste treatment is carried out in three ways, namely chemical waste treatment (coagulation and flocculation), biological waste treatment (phytoemidiation), and physical waste treatment (filtration). The data analysis technique in this study is by comparative descriptive method. This studyobtained the results that chemical waste treatment (coagulation and flocculation), biological waste treatment (phytoemidiation), and physical waste treatment (filtration) are quite effective in reducing the pH of waste to 7, purify the color of the waste to clear brown, stabilize the temperature of the waste to 28oC and shrink the volume ofwaste to 700 ml. However, this study shows 

that the three waste treatment processes have not succeeded in reducing TDS, so that the TDS in waste remains the same, namely 376. In this study, there are several limitations, including the limitation of research time and tools used. This research can contribute as information for future researchers in chemical, biological, and physical waste treatment.

Keywords: Fitoemidiation, Filtration, Coagulation-Flocculation, Chemical Waste, Waste Treatment.

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