Active Packaging Berbasis Carbon Dots dari Tempurung Kelapa dan Kulit Pisang dengan Ekstrak Daun Kemangi untuk Memperpanjang Masa Simpan Daging

Sa'adatun Nikmah, Ahmad Edi Darmawan, Arif Noor Adiyanto


Meat has the characteristic of perishable properties that can cause losses and even diseases. One of the efforts to prevent such damage is preservation. Active Packaging is one of the most suitable and practical efforts in preserving meat. Activated charcoal is derived from natural or 

synthetic carbonized materials, for example, from coconut shells and banana peels. Coconut shells contain an active carbon content of 16.35% while the banana peel content obtained for its carbonization value is 96.56%. Basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum L) have several compounds such as flavonoids, phenols, saponins, and essential oils. Basil has many benefits in the health field such as fever reducers, anti-fungals, pain relievers, germ killers, anti-bacterial, liver protectors, immunity enhancers, insect repellents, and cough softeners.The benefit of this research is that it can extend the shelf life of meat. The goal of this research is to analyze the changes in the physical and chemical properties of meat using active packaging made from coconut shell activated charcoal stored at room temperature and determine the best active packaging that can extend the shelf life of the meat. The research procedure involves carbonization of coconut shells and banana peels, both of which are synthesized into C-Dots with the addition of basil leaf extract, and the manufacture of Active Packaging. The test parameters include antibacterial tests on C-Dots, tests on Active Packaging, and physical tests on beef that has been coated with Active Packaging. The results of this study show that the P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4 formulas obtained the best thickness in the P1 formula of 0.12 mm, the highest elongation value in the P1 formula of 21.2%, the best tensile strength test with an average of 4.1 M/pa in the P3 formula, and the lowest water vapor permeability at P1, which was 4.5g/mm. In the test of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the best inhibition was found in C-dost + extract of 39.5 mm. In the test of Escherichia coli bacteria, the best resistance was found in C-dost + extract of 15.5 mm. In the physical test, the best result was in the P1 formula because it has a smooth texture, smells like fresh blood, and is bright red in color. 

Keywords: coconut shells, banana peels, carbon dots, basil leaves 

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