Pengembangan Media DIOPA (Diorama Pembelajaran IPA) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa di Era 5.0
Khozini Gedangan Elementary Madrasah. The results of this study indicate that the percentage of eligibility in the material validation test reached 88.66%, the media validation test reached 96.66% from here it can be concluded that the diorama media is categorized as "very feasible" to use. Meanwhile, in the small group trial, it obtained a score of 27 with a feasibility percentage of 90% and the medium group trial with a feasibility percentage of 91%, from here it can be concluded that the diorama media can be categorized as "very effective" to use. Meanwhile, student understanding in the small group trial had a completion percentage of 77%, and in the medium group trial with a completion percentage of 81.5%, this means that the diorama learning media is effective in improving student understanding of the water cycle material.
Keywords: Contextual Learning, Diorama, Learning Media, Water Cycle
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