Tafsir Nusantara Local and Global Networks based on Islamization

Susanti .


Islamic religious education, in the modern 21st century, of course, must also follow the increasingly advanced flow of globalization, as well as related to its interpretation. In addition, with the development of the current of globalization by not forgetting the existing local wisdom of the archipelago, Islamic education is expected to be more responsive to religion, culture and society, which we must do our best to manage. Due to the growing current of globalization, this requires us to have a broader global perspective, more specifically global insight that cannot be separated from Indonesianness and especially Islam. Rapid technological developments can accommodate us in recognizing the interpretation of the archipelago. In the current era, we can use teaching media (both offline and online) such as websites, which can give birth to many kinds of interpretations in the archipelago and can even lead to the main network without leaving the existing Islamization of Eastern Indonesia

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