The Relevance of the Concept of Dowry Ease to Divorce Rates in Indonesia, (Study of Understanding of Interpretation of the Nusantara on Dowry)

Arif Friyadi


The high number of divorce cases in Indonesia should be of serious concern to many groups, both the government and society. This paper is to discuss the existence of the hadith concept of taysiru al-Sidaq (facilitation in dowry) which is misunderstood by some Muslims in Indonesia, which has an impact on the rise of divorce in Indonesia. Even though the Mufassirin Nusantara like Prof. Dr. Quraish Syihab and Buya Hamka always emphasized the urgency of the dowry as a measure of a man's stability before getting married. By using a qualitative-descriptive method the author describes the problem based on phenomenological data which seems to make marriage easier in Indonesia, while there is a concept that makes it difficult for marriage in Arabic. From these two concepts it can be concluded that the ideal dowry is 8 grams of gold according to Imam Maliki. Less than that, a man tends to underestimate women's affairs so that there are many divorce cases.

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