The Influence of Context and Position of Words in the Qur'an on Hamka's Interpretation of the Verses of Ahkam Fiqhiyyah

Khairun Nidom


The use of context and the position of the arrangement of a word in Arabic greatly influences our understanding of the Book of Allah. Buya Hamka is one of the Indonesian commentators who provides detailed explanations of various forms of the phenomenon of the use of context and position of words in the Qur'an which have an impact on various interpretations of verses, especially those related to fiqh law which includes the fiqh of worship, fiqh muamalah and fiqh. family. This research paper uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study. Sources of data come from references to Arabic dictionaries as well as the Al-Azhar commentary by Buya Hamka, and other commentary books as comparative material and are then analyzed and constructed to answer the istinbat solutions made by Buya Hamka against fiqh laws. contained in a verse. By understanding the use of the context and the position of the Arabic word order by Buya Hamka, this research comes to the conclusion that the use of various Arabic words in different contexts will result in different legal instructions and interpretations of verses. This can be proven by analyzing the verses of the Koran in the interpretation of Al-Azhar using the perspective of using the context of the wording.

Key word: Buya Hamka, hukum fiqih, tafsir Al-Azhar

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