Legal Politics of Fulfilling The Rights to Education for Children With Disabilities (Study o Educational Access to Inclusion School Programs)

Enny Yulianti, Rahma Aulia


The aim of this research is to describe the implementation and obstacles in the inclusive school program at Talenta Kindergarten Semarang as a form of fulfilling the rights of students with disabilities in accessing education. Then describe alternative solutions found to overcome obstacles to the implementation of inclusive schools at Talenta Kindergarten Semarang. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research show that (1) The inclusive school program at Talenta Semarang Kindergarten is implemented by paying attention to the principles of equality and quality improvement, diversity principles, sustainability principles, and the principle of involvement of all components by optimizing services at managerial implication points. Acceptance of students with disabilities is carried out through identification and assessment. The inclusive education learning process is carried out in regular classes and in special rooms (Resources Rooms) to support the specific curriculum for students with disabilities. (2) The obstacles experienced by Talenta Semarang Kindergarten in implementing inclusive education programs are inadequate facilities and infrastructure in accordance with article 10 of Law Number. 8 of 2016 concerning the educational rights of people with disabilities who are not accommodated enough in the infrastructure. (3) The solution taken by Talenta Kindergarten is to apply for assistance from the government regarding inclusive schools and use Educational Development Contribution (SPP) funds, which are routine school fees where payments are made once a month. SPP is a form of obligation for every student who is still active at the school to support facilities such as tools and learning media for students.


Legal Politics, Fulfillment of Educational Rights, Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive Education.

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