The Dark Side of Human Disabilities Study Ofinclusion Education in Building Potential With Disabilities in Becoming Independent and Cultured Human

Sulthon Sulthon


Disability is a condition of where the obstacles they face in any shapes of physical, mental-intellectual, and social-emotional so that it affects all the potential possessed by that person so that it does not develop in life. Therefore, inclusive education is the most important part in improving all existing abilitiesin order that those people with disability are able to face life better. This research aims to: 1) identify and describe inclusive educationin building disability potential;2) describes the anatomy of the problem of not having access to education and the impact of not being educated on people with disabilities. This research uses library research and the data collection techniques is utilizing the collection of various sources of materials originating from books, scientific journal articles, literature and other publications that can be used as research sources. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses descriptive argumentative analysis, The research results show:1) people with disabilities definitely require education in order to develop their potential in an inclusive manner where people with disabilities are unconditionally feel accepted, recognized, respected and treated equally without being differentiated so that their self-confidence develops to the maximum level;2) people with disabilities who do not receive education will have their potential limited by the brilliance of opportunity and hope of life. This is led from the fact that they are limited to schools because they are not affordable.Thus emerging the urge that inclusive education is needed.This research contribution provides information, data and strategies on the importance of education for people with disabilities and equal distribution of education to develop the potential of people with disabilities to become capable, independent, happy and responsible human beings


disabilities, potential development, inclusive education

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