Gender, Sports Participation, Self-Identity : A Correlational Analysis in Physical Education Aged 11-12 Years

Bahtiar Firdiansyah, Galang Prakarti Mahardika, Ariz Taufiqurrahman


The phase of late childhood (11-12 years) cannot be separated from changes towards early adolescence which has more complex social development. Physical Education Learning (PE) strives to help guard the formation of student self-identity. This study aims to reveal the correlation between gender, sports participation, and self-identity in PE learning at the age of 11-12 years. This correlational quantitative research involved Avicena Anyer Islamic Elementary School students, Banten as a Population. Samples were taken using accidental sampling techniques and quota sampling combinations to include 60 students, each of whom was 50% male and female. To obtain gender-sports participation data, the study used questionnaires with grids of demographic information and sports preferences. While the instrument for self-identity variables uses the Bem Sex Role Inventory questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses double linear regression and double correlation with SPSS 23. Field findings prove that gender and sports participation have a positive effect on self-identity with F count results of 4.012 at 0.028 signification; There was no significant correlation between gender and sports participation by showing a correlation coefficient of 0.006 at an error level of 0.05; There is a positive correlation between gender and sports participation. It can be concluded that gender and sports participation have an influence on the formation of self-identity of children aged 11-12 years. Still, gender does not have a significant influence on sports participation. Hard, soft, and neutral sports participation emerges from students' culture and social environment.


Gender, sports participation, self-identity, physical education, age 11-12 years

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