Encouraging Women's Mental Health by Promoting Healthy Social Media Usage

aufal khima


In today's world, technology has become an integral part of everyday life. Women, in particular, use social media to connect with others, share information, and communicate in virtual communities. A research study was conducted to analyze the impact of social media on women of various social statuses. The study involved interviewing 30 people, including 10 teachers, 10 traders, and 10 housewives. The findings suggest that some individuals experience mental health problems as a result of improper social media use and lack of emotional regulation. Among the participants, three teachers, seven housewives, and seven traders experienced similar problems. However, some individuals are able to use social media wisely and obtain positive mental health outcomes, such as three teachers, one housewife, and two traders. In contrast, four teachers, two housewives, and one trafficker suffered from mental health disorders due to limited use of social media or focusing only on positive aspects while striving for self-development and spiritual growth. These people experience a variety of mental health problems, including anger, anxiety, fear, insomnia, eating disorders, hallucinations, and dizziness with no known cause.


Healthy Social Media, Mental Disorder, Mental Health, Women

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