The Effect Of Application of The TGT (Team Games Tournament) Method on Students Opinion Skills in Class IV Science Subjects MI Al Fattah Juwana Pati

Khairul Anam, Retno Susilowati


This research is based on the background that the learning methods applied in learning are innovative, but in class mastery, the learning process is still not optimal, especially in students' opinion skills. With the application of the TGT (Team Games Tournament) method applied by the teacher, the researcher wanted to test the effect of the application of the TGT (Team Games Tournament) method on students' opinion skills in the Class IV science subject at MI Al Fattah Juwana Pati. The aim of this research is to find out how much influence the application of the TGT (Team Games Tournament) method has on students' opinion skills in class IV science subjects Mi Al Fattah Juwana Pati. This type of research is a quantitative type of research using research methods, namely field research. Data collection used the questionnaire method which was distributed directly to class IV students at MI Al Fattah Juwana Pati, observation and documentation. The population in this study was class IV MI Al Fattah Juwana Pati, totaling 100 students, samples taken using Simple Random Sampling technique with a tolerance of 5% found 80 students, using the SPSS 20 analysis test. The data analysis methods used were simple linear regression analysis and statistical tests. F test The results of the researchers' findings related to the influence of the TGT (Team Games Tournament) method were proven by the Regression Equation Coefficient Significance Test or often referred to as the F test with a significance level of 5%. The value obtained was Fcount (4.103) with results greater than Ftable (3.114) and a significance value of 0.046 < 0.05. The results of the research concluded that in accordance with the results of the data obtained and through the results of the test analysis, it was stated that they accepted the hypothesis, namely that there was an influence of the TGT (Team Games Tournament) Method variable on the variable of opinion skills of class IV students in the class IV science subject at MI Al Fattah Juwana Pati.

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