The Importance of Religious Moderation Education in Building the Profile of Rahmatal Lil Alamin Student Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Elya Umi Hanik, Irma Noviana


This study aims to describe the importance of religious moderation education in growing the student profile of Ramatan lil alamin for students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. This research method was carried out using a qualitative research approach, with the type of library research (Library Research). Sources of data in this study came from books and journals related to the research title, as well as research data collection techniques obtained from reading several scientific works in the form of journals and books. From the data obtained, a descriptive analytic data analysis technique is then carried out using the triangulation method, namely cross-checking from a source document with other sources, or from a source document with a historical fact, the researcher will analyze the data found and conclude by sorting out the relevant data. The results of the research. The application of religious moderation for students in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah must pay attention to the aspects that are instilled. The dimensions of religious moderation that are instilled include the dimensions of national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and accommodative. Implementation of religious moderation learning. The value of religious moderation that is internalized in the profile of Rahmatal Lil Alamin students includes: Civilized (ta'addub); exemplary (qudwah); Citizenship and nationality (muwaṭanah); Take the middle way (tawassuṭ); Balanced (tawāzun); Straight and firm (I'tidal); Equality (musāwah); Deliberation (shūra); tolerance (tasāmuh); Dynamic and innovative (taṭawwur wa ibtikār); Pancasila Student Profile Rahmatan lil Alamin is a breath that strengthens one another, both stand on the Pancasila philosophy, which respects diversity and humanity to create a safe, peaceful, peaceful and prosperous Indonesia. The importance of madrasa culture. Religious moderation education can run effectively, if there is involvement of all subjects (agencies) around the education process in an integrated manner, such as leaders/organizers of educational institutions, educators, families, religious leaders, and the community

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