Application of Numerical Literacy to Elementary School Students

Dian Mustika Anggraini, Ria Norfika Yuliandari, Husni Mubarok, Nanda Amilia Dwi Choirun Nisak


Elementary school students must have numeracy literacy skills to encourage student-centered learning. His abilities, knowledge, and skills in analyzing, solving problems, interpreting analysis results, and making decisions are some of them. This study aims to determine how effective numeracy literacy is in elementary school students. The method used is literature research. This process is carried out systematically to collect, process, and conclude data based on existing literature, including articles published in national and international scientific journals related to research problems. The study results show that numeracy literacy is the ability to access, use, interpret, and communicate information using mathematics as a basic concept for solving problems in everyday life. To improve the numeracy literacy of elementary school students, two approaches can be used: the class-level approach, which includes learning mathematics and non-mathematics; the school-level approach, which provides for interventions, numeracy enrichment through the physical environment, and numeracy events or programs with the family.

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