Brainstorming Based Joyfull Learning To Increase Writing Skill

Dian Permatasri Kusuma Dayu, Septi Aprillia


This study aims to find out the differences in writing skills in elementary schools by using a Brainstorming based Joyfull learning models and determining the effectiveness of using Brainstorming based Joyfull learning models in Indonesian writing skills. This research method is included in experimental research, which takes two groups as research samples. One group as an experimental class was given Brainstorming based Joyfull learning models, and one group as a control class using the lecture and discussion method. Data analysis was performed using a T-test. The results of data analysis using the t-test showed that T-arithmetic 2.642> T-table 2,000 at a significance level of α 0.05. Thus, the use of a Brainstorming based Joyfull learning models effectively teaches Indonesian writing skills in elementary schools.

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